Welcome to Leicestershire County Council Parent Portal

****Please note that there will be essential maintenance on Thursday 6th March 2025 from 7pm until 10pm. Any changes made during this time could be lost****


Privacy Notice

The personal information you provide will be held by Leicestershire County Council Council's Children and Families Service and will be used for the purpose of administering Free School Meals, two year old funding, School admissions, Specialist Teachings Services, Early Years Special Educational Needs and Disability and for informing departmental management teams.

You can learn more about how, why and what information we use to support or provide specific services here https://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/about-the-council/data-protection-and-privacy/fair-processing-notices

This information may also be shared with other Government departments and Local Authorities as required.

Your information will be held securely and won't be disclosed to anyone other than those stated above without your permission, unless we have a legal reason to do so, for example disclosure is necessary to protect a person from suffering significant harm or necessary for crime prevention or detection purposes.

We won't keep your information for longer than is required for the above purposes. More information about how the Council will protect your privacy is available from our website at http://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/privacy-notice

UK GDPR & The Data Protection Act 1998: How we use your information

We use information about children and young people to enable us to carry out specific functions for which we are responsible. We also use this personal data to derive statistics which inform decisions we make e.g. regarding the funding of schools, assess their performance and to set targets for them. These statistics are used in such a way that individual children can't be identified.

Youth Support Services For pupils aged 13 and over, schools are legally required to pass certain information to the provider of Youth Support Services in their area.

Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) use information about pupils for research and statistical purposes, to develop, monitor and evaluate the performance of local health services. These statistics won't identify individual pupils. It is necessary for certain health information about children (e.g. such as their height and weight) to be retained for a certain period of time (designated by the Department of Health) and requires PCTs to maintain children's names and addresses for this purpose. PCTs may also provide individual schools and Local Authorities with aggregated health information which won't identify individual children.

Education and training: Leicestershire County Council hold information about young people living in Leicestershire, including about their education and training history. This is to support the provision of their education up to the age of 20 (and beyond this age for those with a special education need or disability). Education institutions and other public bodies (including the Department for Education (DfE), police, probation and health services) may pass information to us to help us to do this.

We share some of the information we collect with the Department for Education (DfE) to enable them to; produce statistics, assess our performance, determine the destinations of young people after they have left school or college and to evaluate Government funded programmes.

We may also share information with post-16 education and training providers to secure appropriate support for them. We may also share data with education establishments which shows what their pupils go on to do after the age of 16.

For children under 16, a parent or guardian can ask that no information other than their child's name, address and date of birth (or their own name and address) be passed to a local authority. This right transfers to the child on their 16th birthday. Pupils and/or a parent/guardian will need to inform the school/LA if this is what they wish.

DfE may share individual level personal data that we supply to them, with third parties. This will only take place where legislation allows it to do so and it is in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Decisions on whether DfE releases this personal data to third parties are subject to a robust approval process and are based on a detailed assessment of:

  • who is requesting the data

  • the purpose for which it is required

  • the level and sensitivity of data requested and

  • the arrangements in place to store and handle the data.

To be granted access to pupil level data, requestors must comply with strict terms and conditions covering the confidentiality and handling of data, security arrangements and retention and use of the data.

For more information on how this sharing process works, please visit: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/national-pupil-database-apply-for-a-data-extract

For information on which third party organisations (and for which project) pupil level data has been provided to, please visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-pupil-database-requests-received

If you require more information about how we and/or DfE store and use your personal data please visit:

You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. To obtain a copy of your personal information, please refer to our website https://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/about-the-council/data-protection-and-privacy/requesting-personal-information