Welcome to Leicestershire County Council Parent Portal


Apply to Move School In Year


Please contact the school direct if you would like to apply for a place at one of the schools listed in Appendix 3 here – online applications are not accepted on the Parent Portal for those schools, along with Queniborough Primary School, Kirby Muxloe Primary School, Hastings High School and Brockington College.

If your child is at primary, junior or secondary school and you want to move them to a different school during the school year, you need to apply. This is called a mid-term or in-year transfer.

Moving school as you are moving house

If you are moving house and your child / children are already at a school, but will no longer be able to attend that school, you need to:

  • tell the school that you're moving, the school will inform us to enable us to update our records.

  • find a school in Leicestershire.

If you'll no longer live in Leicestershire, you need to find a school in the area you will live in .

It is important that your child continues to attend school, where possible.

Applications for mid-term transfer

School places cannot be reserved to be taken up at a future date as determined in the School Admissions Code.

Where a place can be allocated and offered within Leicestershire, you will have a window of 20 school days in which to take up the place and for your child to be placed on roll or the offer will be withdrawn. You should therefore apply for a mid-term transfer no more than four weeks before your preferred start date.

Moving school in Years 10 and 11

Parents are strongly advised that in their child's best interests, it's never a good idea to move school once the child has embarked on a two-year GCSE course. This is because, even if the intended school has availability, it's unlikely that the school will be able to accommodate the options the child has already opted to do at the current school.

Popular options may already be full and they may have to do options the child has no interest in. The new school may not be able to meet the combination of options requested, it is also likely to be following a different curriculum or may have started from a different point, and it may be following a different examination board. In some instances, schools will have already started some option subjects from Year 9.

Parents are therefore advised to work with the current school and see through the GCSEs as their child is well settled, the teachers know the child and will get the best out of them, to minimising education disruption by not changing school during such vital school years.